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Blurred vision in one eye is fairly common. It usually signals a refractive error in one eye, such as astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia, or presbyopia. However, blurry vision can also indicate the presence of potentially sight-threatening eye disease or neurological disorder.
If you are experiencing blurred vision in one eye, contact Dr. Anania to receive a comprehensive eye exam to determine whether you have a refractive error like myopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness), or something more serious.
If it's a refractive error, Dr. Anania will prescribe prescription lenses suitable for each of your eyes. However, if the poor vision in one eye is due to eye disease, you'll need to undergo specific treatment.
Common Causes of Blurred Vision in One or Both Eyes
Myopia (nearsightedness) is the most common refractive error, characterized by squinting, eye strain, headaches, and blurred vision when attempting to see distant objects.
Hyperopia (farsightedness) causes near objects like mobile phones, computers, and books to appear blurred, causing eye strain and fatigue.
Astigmatism causes blurred vision at all distances.
Presbyopia is age-related farsightedness that affects those over the age of 40 and causes blurred near vision and eye strain when reading.
Other Causes of Blurred Vision
Dry eyes
One of the symptoms of dry eye syndrome is blurred vision. If you also have dry and itchy eye(s), visit Dr. Anania to get to the root of the problem and get treatment.
Pregnancy can lead to vision changes, such as dry eye, headache migraines, light sensitivity and blurred vision. Blurred vision is caused by hormonal changes that at times alter and shape the thickness of your cornea. If you're pregnant and experiencing blurred vision, visit Dr. Anania for a proper evaluation, as it can also be correlated to gestational diabetes or high blood pressure.
Whether it's ocular migraine or another type of migraine headache, those with migraines tend to experience blurred vision, halos, and flickering light.
Eye floaters
Floaters drifting in your visual field can cause blurred vision. In the event that you notice a sudden onset of floaters, contact Dr. Anania immediately as it could indicate a torn or detached retina.
LASIK surgery
Many people experience blurred or hazy vision following refractive surgery, though vision should stabilize within a few days.
Blurred Vision Can Indicate Severe Eye Disease
If you are over 60 years of age and experience a sudden onset of blurred vision, you may have a macular hole in the center of your retina. Blurred vision can also indicate the presence of ocular herpes, optic neuritis (optic nerve inflammation), cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and glaucoma.
Severe eye conditions can lead to permanent vision loss if left untreated. It's therefore critical to visit Dr. Anania at Brown's Eye Center in Warner Robins for a diagnosis and treatment as soon as you experience a sudden onset of blurred vision.
If, however, you experience mild blurred vision that comes in waves, this could indicate tiredness, eye strain, or overexposure to the sun.
What Type of Glasses Does One Wear When One Eye Has Poor Vision?
If you need glasses for only one eye, don't worry — you won't be prescribed a monocle. Eye doctors commonly prescribe specs with differing prescription lenses. The glasses you will get will depend entirely on the type of problem you're facing. So if you have a refractive error in one eye, one lens will correct the affected eye while the other lens will be suited to the second eye.
Visit Brown's Eye Center in Warner Robins today for an eye evaluation and, if needed, a customized pair of glasses with differing prescriptions for an enhanced quality of life.